Hi everyone,
As you probably know, I haven't been posting or writing anything new for some time. I’m a pretty private person, so I won’t be going into details, but I feel I owe you an explanation for my long silence.
The fact is, life threw some unexpected challenges my way that affected my ability to continue this writing journey - at least at the same pace I enjoyed before. My reaction (rather predictably in retrospect) was withdrawal and denial. A month of silence turned into months and then years. I am doing my best to continue this journey but it is quite a struggle!:) It is probably a cliche to say ‘things happen for a reason’ but the truth is that I have learned a lot about life and about myself in these past few years, about not giving up in the face of adversity, and that there are blessings all around us if we can only see them. I am also grateful that many of you continued to read and comment on my stories all this time. Thank you for your voice during my silence:)
I will still not be updating this blog or my website much, probably not till book 3 comes out (yes, I've not given up on it), but I felt I owed a long overdue explanation and apology for my silence these past years. I will keep this blog and my website up, but I still won't be very active (if at all). Thanks, everyone, and happy reading - and writing - to you:)